
I’m Rick Sabatini.

Composing at Home…

I’ve done a bunch of different things in my life for love and for money, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it’s better to focus on one thing at a time and really try to get good at it. 

I’m married to a wonderful woman who has turned our 1 bedroom apartment into the most beautiful and peaceful place on earth. I’m working on loving her better and more deeply (hehe…) She manages the baby, and I manage the business, but we both help each other as much as we can 

I’m also a father now, which is a weird thing to say and think about. At the time of this writing, my son Ezra is only 4 months old and starting to smile. He just rolled over for the first time this week which was unbelievably exciting. He’s a great kid. He has a very good soul which I can only hope doesn’t get corrupted by his own quest for love and money…and I’m his guide into manhood….oh boy..

My son Ezra

I’ve been composing and writing music for a long time, and just recently (well like, within the last 3 years recently) I’ve been exploring theory on the keyboard and really coming to grips with the reality of how music really works and resolves. To be honest, I really do know next to nothing and all of my advice and guidance should be taken with caution and double checked by someone who actually knows stuff. 

Lastly, I run a painting company in southeast Pennsylvania called Sabatini Pro Painting (www.sabatinipropainting.com). I’ve been running it with my wife for the past 5 years. You can read more of our story with the business on our website, so I’ll keep the beginnings brief (in summary, it was terrible, we made no money, and learned everything the hardest way possible…). At the time of this writing, we have about 8 employees and I think 6-7 infants wearing company onesies throughout the county (kids of the employees).

Team Meeting @ Tom Jones Restaurant

What’s the point of this website?

Everything I mentioned above is totally intertwined together. The business has funded all studio exploits, and the studio work was inspired by my wife and is now being inspired by my son. It’s been a lot of spiritual and financial give and take, and I thought it would be a good idea to start documenting that stuff in hopes that I can understand it better and be more effective in all my roles. Running a small contracting company based on hard data and financials, pursuing an art career based on time management and intangible visions of quality, and raising a family all at the same time definitely poses some unique challenges and struggles. My own mental capacity gets really bogged down just by the sheer volume of stuff to deal with, comprehend, consider, and make decisions on. I know I’m not the only person dealing with this type of thing and I hope writing about it makes things better for anyone involved. 

I think there’s a spiritual thread that flows throughout everything that is done, regardless of what it is. There is definitely a certain connection between painting, negotiating, resolving a diminished sharp 4, and keeping baby bottles clean. My hunch is that it’s something you can see if you zoom out A LOT, kinda like how gravity affects planets and also atoms on the microscopic level…That’s my hunch….who knows

Rick Sabatini


Tax Return – Words and Music by RS
Produced by Matt Muir @ Kawari Sound
Mastered by Ryan Schwabe